Christmas Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars

Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars Feature

It’s a dull grey day outside today, and my kitchen was in desperate need of being warmed up.  I had a Betty Crocker Pumpkin Spice Bars mix that I wanted to use up, and the situation seemed to call for it.

I wanted to dress up the pre-packaged mix though, and give it my own spin.  And so, Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars were born!

These bars are dense and sweet and tangy, and would be perfect with a hot cup of tea.  Word  to the wise though – cut them in smaller squares, not triangles like I did.  The calorie count threw me for a loop!  Still worth every last bite, however ;-).


What do you do to warm up on a cold fall day?

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