Fort Hope Recap Video



In May of 2016, I traveled to Fort Hope, Ontario, to serve with a wonderful group of women. I learned two huge things:

1) Our “big” problems here in Southern Ontario are tiny and so insignificant in the light of the struggles and challenges that the rest of the world deals with.

2) God always has a remnant of Believers. “So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace.” (Rom 11:5) How can we, with our resources, our connections, our energy and our time, support the remnant in remote areas as they reach others in their community for Christ?



Friends, we are so blessed.  Yes, we each have struggles in this life, but by far, ours are so small compared to the odds stacked against the majority of the population of our planet.  Even people living in the best country on Earth, Canada, deal with things that many of us only ever see on TV.

We heard life stories that I can’t tell to my kids without censoring them.  We saw the faithfulness of individuals as they turned their backs on the experiences, behaviors and vices that would drag them down, in spite of temptation and opportunity from every angle.  Driven by their love of their Savior and their love for their children, they push through and choose everyday to honour God with their lives.

I’ll have more stories to share in the future, but in the meantime, I’ll leave you with this:

How is God calling YOU to serve others?

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