Campground Review Journal ... but Digital!

 I am ALL about going paperless!

There's nothing better than being able to keep track of your schedule, meals, menus, to do lists, sticky notes, receipts, bookings, etc., etc. and carry it all with you anywhere so that you can access it anytime.

And that goes for our #RVLife too! 

We love roadtripping and visiting various campgrounds with our travel trailer.  I've been recording and reviewing each of the campgrounds in a paper notebook til now.  And that works great .... until you embark on an 1800 km roadtrip without realizing your notebook didn't get packed!

That's where the RV Road Trip Log comes in!

My husband and I created a list of amenities, features and details that we wanted to record about each campground or overnight parking spot that we spend a night at.  I've finally finished the digital version of it!

This is a completely hyperlinked PDF that you can use in any PDF annotation app (think Goodnotes, Penly, Notability, Samsung Notes ...).  You can use on either your iPad or Android tablet, and you can duplicate as many pages as you need.

I started moving all my notes in the other day, and I am LOVING it!

I use Samsung Notes on my tablet, phone and laptop (all Samsung) -- that means my Road Trip Log is always synced up between my devices.  No more forgetting it at home!

It took me a minute to figure out what the best way to lay things out would be.  Here's how it's set up:

The Routes / Trips page is like an index for the entire log.  I've broken mine up into years, but you could use one "Route" for each trip.  No need to save space, since you can duplicate this book & it's pages as much as you need!

Each Route is hyperlinked to the corresponding number tab.

Each tab contains a secondary index allowing you to write down each campground (or boondocking spot!).  The secondary index is hyperlinked to the specific double-page review layout for that campground.

The review pages have a space for the name of the campground, the closest city, the date, your site number, a star rating, a checklist for amenities, and a grading scale of various characteristics, like privacy and noise level.

I've also included a journal page template, photo & memory page templates, and meal planning & recipe page templates that can be duplicated and inserted anywhere in the log.  And yes, they also have hyperlinked tabs!

I absolutely love the fact that I can add as many pages as needed (or not) and that this system is completely paperless!  I'm using it on my Samsung Tab 7 FE, and it looks beautiful.  

The distressed wood plank background reminds me of cool summer mornings sitting at a picnic table outside of our RV, drinking coffee and enjoying the sounds of the songbirds.

I thought this little log might be helpful to others too, so I've added it to my Etsy shop!  You can find it at OurFrontDoorDesign .

And because I love seeing so many faithful readers here on the blog, I've got a discount just for you!

Use the code WELCOMETOTHEZOO to get 25% off anything in my shop!

Click below to take a closer look!

What features do YOU look for in a campground?


  1. That is very cool. I'm surprised no one had come up with this before.

  2. While I prefer a hard copy of a book, I also agree that going paperless on some things is much easier. That’s looks absolutely fantastic to use and keep track of when your on the go like for trips. Thanks so much for sharing!

    -Whitney Stewart

  3. This is a great idea. Plus you can add photos to a digital copy too.

  4. This is such a neat concept. I prefer this to paper as well as I tend to lose paper.

  5. Going paperless can be so much better. I have a load of post it notes and am really wanting to cut them down. I need to learn to use Samsung notes on my phone. I should give it a go. It sounds like it would be far more convenient. It sounds like your log is really well set out.

  6. I love this idea for RV life! As an avid RVer in the past, I know space is at a premium! I would call this “My RV’s Brain!”

  7. LisaLisa- Oh this is awesome! What a great idea, my friends travel in their RV a lot and I am sure this would be very useful for them!

  8. What a great way to remember a camping trip. This is something that I need to try.

  9. This is such a great idea. What a nice way to be able to remember everything from camping.

  10. Wow! This absolutely awesome, such a really nice way to remember everything about your camping trip! -Richelle Milar

  11. That is a neat way to keep a travel log and camping journal. Such a neat idea!

  12. I still use diaries but this looks cool and neat.

    I'll out.


  13. I love the idea to have always my notes and lists with me. I always forget it at home so having it on my phone is a great plus!

  14. This is an wonderful idea, I have been trying to make one for a while now. It is a great way to keep yourself organized as well.

  15. this is such a cool idea; my daughter will be going for a camp with her troop this summer and i will show her this so she can have those memories for later

  16. That is a great idea, for sure. To remember things, I kept a journal during our trip and logged all the little details. -LYNNDEE

  17. As someone who loves camping and exploring the great outdoors, this digital journal seems like the perfect companion for keeping track of my camping adventures.

  18. This is a great idea. I always put things happened in my journal. Thanks
    for sharing this post

    Zab Zaria


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